Monday, April 20, 2009

Odd fact...We recall only 20 percent of what we hear but 70 percent of what we say.

I found this in an article on why discussion groups on Christianity are an effective way to lead people to Christ. It points out that "when everyone has a fair chance, each participant is greatly influenced by what he discovers and shares with the group. What he hears himself saying about Jesus' claims will be remembered long after he forgets what someone else tells him."

Odd thought...Part of being salt, is bringing out the natural flavor of the food. We can do this by living lives which contrast the world. When we do this we draw-out the innate need for God in the lives of those around us. A genuinely different lifestyle and attitude, flowing from a relationship with God, opens up discussions on Theology as naturally as if we were conversing about politics or weather. If I can answer my friends with scripture and encourage them to research it themselves (perhaps they will, perhaps they won't) then truths they find themselves will begin to impact lives.

I myself will never change anyone apart from God's Word, we are simple called to be the salt. =)

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