Sunday, April 26, 2009

Is this Love?

Is there a pain greater than that of unrequited love?
True love when given is with no expectation of receiving recognition or compensation...this type of self sacrifice is rare in its extreme sense, but I think we all understand the feeling to a lesser yet still painful degree. Well I've been on both sides I'm one's fault when an attraction isn't mutual but whether there is blame or not, there is pain.
This topic is a major theme in Austen's work Persuasion, where love is found and lost and reunited. Both the main and subplots deal with losing hope of a Love. At the pinnacle of the novel two character are discussing whether men or women are most faithful when love is tested by distance or time or death. Anne defends all woman of heart in saying "All the privilege I claim for my own sex (it is not a very enviable one, you need not covet it) is that of loving longest, when existence or when hope is gone." She of course is speaking from experience, having been persuaded out of an engagement to, but not her affection for, Cpt Wentworth. Without realising that he at this moment is just opposite the room suspended on every word, she utters encouragement enought to eurge him to
"I can listen no longer in silence...I am half agony half hope. I offer myself to you again with a heart even your own than when you almost broke it eight and a half ago. Dare not say that man forgets sooner than woman or that his love has an earlier death. I have loved none but you. Unjust I may have been and resentful I have been but never inconstant. You do believe that there is attachment and constancy among men then believe it be most fervent most undeviating in [me] F.W."
Anyways, here is a poem which speaks to a place I have in the past found myself in. Enjoy.

This is Love.

If I rather idle an afternoon with you than with anyone else...

...Is that love?

If I'm intrigued by you, determined to decipher the clues, secretly hoping you always remain a mystery... that love?

What if each hug is a battle to surrender my grasp, because I enjoy your arms around me too much?

What if your fragrance which would drive me to action, also paralyzes me from it?

What if your footsteps behind me bring a slight smile to my lips?

What if my greatest fear is that we find ourselves alone...

...Is that love?

You bring to me your heart, broken and bruised by another,

And even though it may never be recognized, I care.

Your tears sting worst than my own...

...this is Love.

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