Monday, July 6, 2009

Unknown Danger

Its been said that 'an unknown danger was more dangerous than one that could be reckoned with beforehand' (I Am David, by Ann Holm). I find myself in a place where the unknown is unbearable because it cannot be reckoned with. A place where to be certain of unhappy truth is better than this neutral ignorance. Perhaps what i find most detestable is the spell of humanity this situation brings to my nose...I am limited in my knowledge of the hearts of men, unlike God who sees the depths of our souls. Were I privileged to the entire truth my selfishness would inevitably compel be to take actions towards securing my own will. God is aware of this, he allows it to be such so that I am again forced to rely on Him and His unlimited knowledge.

My weaknesses are again cause for Awe and Praise for they are made sufficient by the Omni (All) of God. That is His Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omniscience. He is present in all situations with full- knowledge and wisdom and power to accomplish His Good and Perfect Will. With this in mind, I need not, no I dare not worry about the present or future which I cannot know nor change.

The bottom line is this---There is no danger which my heavenly father does not know and will reckon with to use for His Glory!

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts! Thanks for sharing. Reminds me that for those who love God and His glory, He will cause all things (past, present, and future) to work together for good (Romans 8:28). The future is terrifying, but we are in God's cool is that!
